In case you didn’t already know, the basic formula for losing weight is to burn more calories than what you consume through diet. And the most effective way to burn calories is through exercise. But then it’s a fact that a majority of us are leading hectic lifestyles, working 10-hour shifts, with hardly any time or energy left to hit the gym at the end of the day. However, it’s important to make exercise a part of your routine not just to lose weight but to lead a healthy and long life. And for those of us who cannot just manage to find time to exercise every single day, here’s the good news – experts say that just 3 to 4 days a week is enough to maintain your health; however, exercising 5 to 6 days in a week may speed up weight loss results. If you are finding it hard to squeeze out time to hit the gym for workout, here are 3 effective ways to find time to exercise with busy schedule.

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4 Major Reasons Why People Struggle To Find Time To Exercise:
1. Lack of motivation – exercise is not a priority. Many people find exercise too tiring and boring.
2. Busy schedule, long working hours – As mentioned previously, most of us lead a busy lifestyle with long working hours with no energy left to hit the gym as the day closes.
3. No time to hit the gym – For a majority of individuals, the only place to exercise is the gym, and the whole idea to go to the gym may seem time consuming.
4. Difficulty in balancing work and family – This holds true for working women who have to balance work and family life together.

3 Effective Ways To Find Time To Exercise With Busy Schedule:
1. Make The Entire Week’s Exercise Routine on the Weekend:
Taking out 30 to 40 minutes in a 24-hour day is possible if you plan your workouts in advance, this would leave little room for procrastination. In fact, plan your entire week’s workout in advance. If you are planning to take up walking as a form of exercise, evening walks are just as effective as early morning walks at burning calories (for those who cannot find for early morning walks). Activities like yoga, zumba, dance can be scheduled at a time that suits your schedule. Also, if you plan to combine different forms of workouts like cardio, strength training, pilates, yoga, etc., – schedule them up on different days of the week instead of attending classes randomly. This way, you can attend the classes on scheduled days without forgetting. Remeber, the only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.
2. Use Ad Breaks While Watch Television To Do Quick Exercise:
Make use of commercial breaks while watching your favorite shows on TV to burn calories. You can manage quick cardio exercises like jumping jacks, planks, squat jump, mountain climbers during ad breaks. These exercises can be completed in less than 5 minutes and are super effective at burning a lot of calories.
Additionally, do try HIIT form of workout. High-intensity interval training exercises (HIIT) are short workout routines that can be done in a short time frame – as less as 7 to 10 minutes. HIIT involves brief sessions of intense exercise with rest periods in between. HIIT exercises are known to boost metabolism and burn calories at the same time. The best thing about this form of workout is that they can be done in the comfort of your home with no fancy equipment needed.
Check out this 7-minute Fat Burning Morning Routine you can Do Everyday by Chris Heria:
3. Move Your Body At Every Opportunity:
It’s a myth that you are burning fat only if you are sweating buckets at the gym. In fact, you burn calories every time you are up on your feet. So, walk whenever you have the chance. Stand up and take a mini stroll every half hour, especially if you have a desk job and spend long hours sitting in front of a laptop. Do remember to take all your calls standing up. Take a 5-minute break every hour just to move around and before you know it, these 5-minute breaks would add up and lead to significant calorie burn at the end of the day.

By making these small changes, you can easily make time to exercise. Exercising consistently and regularly not only helps with weight loss but also benefits your physical and mental health too, boosting energy and productivity as a bonus.
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