The wedding season is right here and a lot of us want to lose weight fast. People can feel that weight loss can be quite difficult, but creating a calorie deficit can be the most effective strategy that can be done painlessly by replacing high-calorie foods with low-calorie satiating meals, increasing physical activity, and including some sort of exercise. A majority of people realize that exercising alone is not enough to lose weight after spending years trying different gym workouts and diets without success. If you too belong to this category, in this article, we list out 5 awesome ways to lose weight fast.

1. Give up Fried Food and Cut Down on Carbs:
Deeply-fried foods tend to have a high calorie count due to unhealthy fat from the oil, making losing weight difficult. Moreover, foods high in refined carbs also seem to contain simple sugars that break down fast and raise blood sugar levels in the body. Instead, consume a balanced diet, rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber, and other nutrients, which would keep you fuller for longer and boost metabolism too.
2. Switch Completely To Home-Cooked Food:
It’s not necessary to resort to crash dieting to shed extra pounds. You can start your weight loss journey by making small changes like switching to home-cooked food, cutting down the frequency of eating out, and ordering less from food delivery apps. Even while consuming home-cooked meals, do practice portion control, avoiding going in for seconds to keep the overall calorie intake in check.
3. Metabolism-Boosting Morning Drink:
A robust metabolism would ensure the food you consume gets effectively converted to energy. Regular exercise, quality sleep, a healthy diet, and stress-free life are keys to a healthy metabolism. In fact, a study on the NCBI website points out that sleep deprivation can alter glucose metabolism and increase hunger hormones in the body.
And here’s a drink that can just boost the metabolism a good deal – Boil half an inch of ginger in water, add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. After the liquid cools down to room temperature, mix in a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Have this drink on empty stomach in the morning to kickstart your metabolism so that a lot of calories get torched through the day. Additionally, you could also try these “3 Best Morning Drinks For Weight Loss With Recipes.”
4. Do Not Concentrate only on Ab Works, Do Full Body Workouts:
Want to lose weight fast and trim away belly fat? It’s a misconception that ab exercises would melt away all the belly fat. Experts say spot reducing fat is not practical and total body workouts are more effective in overall fat as well as belly fat. If hitting the gym is not an option right now, you could start doing home workouts or just simply grab a pair of shoes and go out walking or jogging.
5. Eat As Much Less Sugar as Possible:
Sugar is a major roadblock that people encounter when trying to lose weight. To lose weight fast, eliminate sugar completely from your diet. Natural sugars from fruits are completely okay, but added sugar from fast food, bakery items, desserts, biscuits, cookies, etc., are a complete no-no. Sugar is full of empty calories with no nutritional value and quickly lead to weight gain. Avoid sugar as much as possible to lose weight fast and also to improve overall health.
Last but not the least, drink 3 to 4 liters of water a day. Water is a zero-calorie drink which not only helps to suppress appetite, it also boosts metabolism and is good for your health.

Remember consistency is the key to achieve success, and the same goes for weight loss. Whether it’s diet or exercise routine, do follow the routines consistently. Additionally, try to be as active as possible, say bye bye to sedentary lifestyle to lose weight fast.
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