A bloated tummy can be a nightmare, particularly for women, as the distended tummy can cause a dent in their self confidence and create an illusion of weight gain. Tummy bloating can be caused by both fluid retention and buildup of gas, making the stomach appear bigger than usual. Women often have to deal with a bloated tummy, particularly before and during their periods, encouraging them to seek home remedies since they have to deal with it on a monthly basis. In this article, we list out 4 powerful natural remedies for bloated tummy. Read on:

5 Common Reasons Why People Experience Bloated Tummy:
1. Excess gas formation due to certain foods with high fiber like lentils, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.
2. Hormonal changes before and during periods in women.
3. Overeating food even when there are no hunger signals.
4. Constipation.
5. Lactose and gluten intolerances.
5 Signs of Bloating:
Here are 5 most common signs of bloating:
1. Distended and puffy belly.
2. Tightness and discomfort in the tummy.
3. Excessive gas formation.
4. Nausea, pain in the abdomen.
5. Clothes feel tighter around the belly.
4 Powerful Natural Remedies For Bloated Tummy:
1. Jeera and Coriander Tea:
Jeera (cumin) and coriander seeds tea help to get rid of a bloated tummy because both seeds have properties that help reduce gas and ease digestive discomfort. The tea stimulates digestive enzymes and promotes the smooth passage of gas. Here’s how you can make this tea –
Take 1/2 tsp organic jeera (cumin seeds), 1/2 tsp organic coriander seeds, 1 tsp saunf (fennel seeds), 3 black peppercorns, a small piece ginger, 3 cups of water. Crush all the ingredinets together and add water. After bringing it to a boil, cover and keep for 2 minutes. Strain and serve. Have the tea early morning till mid afternoon to find comfort.

2. Fennel (Saunf) Tea:
This tea is very useful to reduce symptoms of bloating, indigestion, and other gastric issues because the natural oils in saunf such as estragole, fenchone, and anethole have anti-spasmodic properties. To make fennel tea to get rid of a bloated tummy, crush two teaspoons of fennel seeds to release oils. Boil a cup of water and now add the crushed saunf seeds, steep for about 10 minutes. Strain the tea into a cup and let it cool slightly before drinking. Fennel tea relaxes the muscles in the digestive system, reduce gas, and ease bloating. You can also add a little bit of honey to sweeten up this natural bloated tummy remedy.
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3. Apple Cider Vinegar Diluted in Water:
When diluted in water, apple cider vinegar or ACV can help to ease the discomfort associated with bloating. You could have ACV approximately 30 minutes before the main meal to prevent bloating. You can start by diluting 1 tbsp ACV in one glass of warm water and notice how your tummy is not bloated anymore.
4. Peppermint Tea:
The menthol content in peppermint tea helps to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract which reduces bloating and stomach discomfort. Just one or two cups of peppermint tea is enough to prevent and get rid of bloated tummy.

Additionally, according to an article on Yoga Spirit, poses like Vajrasana and Pawanmuktasana are effective in reducing bloating. Vajrasana, or the Thunderbolt Pose, involves sitting on your heels with your back straight, which helps compress the abdominal area and stimulates digestion. This position encourages the movement of gas through the digestive tract and reduce the discomfort associated with bloating. Pawanmuktasana, or the Wind-Relieving Pose, involves lying on your back and bringing your knees toward your chest, which helps release trapped gas and reduces abdominal pressure.