Ayesha Takia, who starred in popular bollywood movies like “Wanted” alongside Salman Khan and “Sunday” opposite Ajay Devgn, recently deleted her instagram account with over 1.7 million followers, after facing massive trolling for ruining her face allegedly due to plastic sugery. Earlier this year, Ayesha Takia was criticized by netizens who pointed out that she was now unrecognizable after rumored plastic surgery. At the time, she hit back at the trolls saying she was happy with her life and did not intend to make a comeback in films. However, this time, Ayesha, who is married to restauranteur Farhan Azmi, decided to take a stand by deleting her instagram account to prevent the trolls from commenting on her photograph.
Like Ayesha Takia, these are some popular bollywood actresses who received massive trolling for allegedly undergoing plastic surgery and looking unrecognizable.
Most bollywood actresses agree that they often get botox and fillers done. These are easy, injectable treatments that help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Nowadays adding lip fillers is quite common because they add volume to the lips.
5 Bollywood Actresses Trolled For Plastic Surgery:
1. Mouni Roy:
One of the highest-paid television actresses, Mouni Roy was once also trolled for looking “too slim.” Comparing her looks from her early television days, debuting at 19 years of age, with the seria “Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi,” where she essayed the role of Krishna Tulsi, trolls allegedly say Mouni Roy might have gone under the knife a few times, and might have even got botox and lip fillers to change her apperance.
2. Katrina Kaif:
Katrina Kaif, who is considered as “pure beauty” by her fans, has been the subject of trolling several times in the past. From getting plastic surgery on her nose to getting botox done for fuller lips, fans point out that her face has changed drastically over the years. At one point, Katrina Kaif shocked her fans when she appeared on the Bigg Boss show a few years ago to promote her movie “Phone Booth” with extra pouty lips and a puffy face.
3. Khushi Kapoor:
Khushi Kapoor, the younger daughter of Sridevi, recently admitted to getting a nose job and lip fillers before nose job done on Instagram. Khushi Kapoor, who is the younger daughter of late Sridevi and Boney Kapoor, made her debut in 2023 with the Zoya Akhtar movie “The Archies” which also starred other star kids, Suhana Kapoor and Agatsya Nanda.
Though Khushi Kapoor faced a lot of criticism for her acting, she has bagged two big movie projects – one opposite Saif Ali Khan’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan and the second biggie opposite Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan.
4. Shama Sikander:
A very popular television actress in the 90s, Shama Sikander, has become unrecognizable now. Although Shama credits her diet, workout routine, and meditation for her drastic change and quips that contrary to what the aam junta thinks, she has not undergone any kind of plastic surgery, but admits to getting botox done.
5. Janhvi Kapoor:
Janhvi Kapoor is everyone’s favorite but she is also a favorite of trolls. They point out that she might have gotten plastic surgery of nose, forehead, and brow lift, cheek implants, and lip fillers.
Also Read: 5 Bollywood Stars Ananya Pandey Dated
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