Do you know that one of the easiest and most lazy ways to lose weight is by increasing your water intake? Wondering why? Water is a zero-calorie drink that suppresses appetite naturally and prevents overeating. It’s also probably one of the laziest ways to shed extra pounds. Let’s admit it, not everyone can hit the gym every single day because it requires a bit of effort, and the physical exertion required can be daunting and exhausting. But if you are someone who would like to lose weight without doing intense exercise routines, here’s a list of the 5 lazy ways to lose weight. These ways require no intense cardio, crazy pills or crash diet, so read on:

1. Give up Sweetened Beverages and Soft Drinks:
Sweetened beverages and soft drinks pack a lot of empty calories and have a high amount of sugar, so consuming them regularly would make losing weight difficult. So, one of the lazy ways to lose weight is by eliminating added sugar beverages and soft drinks because they add calories but do not make you full or satisfy hunger pangs. Additionally, the high sugar content in these drinks can lead to sharp jump and fall in the blood sugar, which can increase cravings for more sugary foods. So, do yourself a favour and cut out these sweetened drinks.

2. Never Go Grocery Shopping on an Empty Stomach:
You might have heard experts recommend that one should always go for grocery shopping with a list, but if you want to lose weight, never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach because you might most likely pick unhealthy snacks, high in calories, fat and sugar and low in nutritional value. Being hungry while shopping can also make you pick more food than necessary, and most of them could be quick-to-eat unhealthy food.
Not to forget, the temptation to dig into food right after can derail your entire diet plan. So, always head out for grocery shopping after a meal, and if that’s not possible, consume a handful of nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios and these would be enough to make you feel full for long hours. This one tip tops the list of unique lazy ways to lose weight. (List of Healthy Snacks).

3. Increase Fiber Intake:
Foods such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes, etc. tend to be high in fiber and low in calories, and they keep you full for long hours, preventing overeating. Fiber prevents the sharp jump and sudden crashes in blood sugar, which helps one to not feel hungry soon after a meal. Additionally, fiber keeps the digestive system happy because eating fiber is like sending your digestive system on a spa day!

4. Walk As Much as Possible:
Unlike cardio and gymming, walking is a low-impact exercise. Walking daily for 40 minutes to 1 hour helps burn calories and contributes to calorie deficit. Make a target of achieving at least 10,000 steps in a day. To achieve this goal, you can use a step counter. If walking is not your cup of tea, find an active hobby that you love – like dancing or zumba or trekking.

5. Brush Teeth with a Mint Toothpaste Right After Dinner:
According to an article on NDTV website, mint can act as a natural appetite suppressant. So, brushing your teeth at night, right after dinner, would not only be great for your dental hygeine (a habit that your dentist would approve of), it would also help you curb late-night post-dinner cravings!

Summing up, incorporating these lazy ways to lose weight into your daily routine can boost your weight loss journey a good deal. By making these small changes, you can kickstart your weight loss without feeling overwhelmed.