Everyone went ga-ga over former Miss World Priyanka Chopra’s recent appearance at the Bvlgari event held at Mukesh Ambani’s Mumbai home Antilia. This 41-year-old bollywood star seemed to be ageing in the reverse and everyone wants to know about the secret to her glowing skin, and one of her secrets is a simple homemade ubtan recipe, which she had shared with her fans a few years ago. The best thing about this ubtan is that we can make it at home with basic ingredients available in every kitchen.
Ingredients To Make Priyanka Chopra’s Homemade Ubtan Recipe:
2 tablespoons of whole wheat flour
A pinch of turmeric
A few drops of lime juice
1 tablespoon of yogurt
5 drops of rose water
Mix these 5 ingredients thoroughly until you get a paste-like consistency. Adjust the amount of rose water to your preference for optimal results. Now, your homemade ubtan is ready for application!
Ubtan Application Tips:
Gently apply the mixture to your face and neck, leaving it on for 15-20 minutes. For best results, use this ubtan at least twice a week and you would notice improvement in skin within a few uses.
Unlocking the Benefits of Priyanka Chopra’s Ubtan Face Pack:
Whole Wheat Flour absorbs excess oil, leaving your skin oil-free and refreshed. Turmeric, as we all know, acts as a natural anti-microbial agent, brightens dull skin, reduces acne and dark spots. Rich in vitamin C, lime juice brightens skin when used in a pack like this and stimulates collagen production. Yogurt or curd with its lactic acid content gently exfoliates dead skin cells and adds a natural glow. According to a study published in Livestrong, a combination of lactic acid and vitamin C (found in curd and lime juice respectively), can lighten skin tone. Rose water is suitable for all skin types and has soothing and antiseptic properties, adding a glow to your complexion.
Whole wheat flour, turmeric, lime juice, yogurt (or curd), and rose water – these are not just ingredients for cooking; they’re also great for your skin! Let’s break down how each of these simple kitchen items can make your skin feel fresh and look amazing.
First up, whole wheat flour. You know how it soaks up water when you’re making dough? Well, it does the same thing with the oil on your skin. If you have oily skin, using whole wheat flour in face masks or ubtan packs can help soak up that extra oil, leaving your skin feeling less greasy and more refreshed.
Next, turmeric. You might recognize turmeric as the yellow spice often used in cooking. But did you know it’s also great for your skin? Turmeric has special powers – it’s like a superhero against acne! That’s because it’s a natural antimicrobial, which means it fights off the bacteria that can cause pimples. Plus, turmeric is packed with antioxidants, which help brighten up dull skin and fade away dark spots, giving you a more even skin tone and a radiant glow.
Now, let’s talk about lime juice. You probably already know that lime juice is super refreshing in drinks, but did you know it can also refresh your skin? Lime juice is full of vitamin C, which is like a magic vitamin for your skin. Vitamin C helps brighten up your complexion, making your skin look healthier and more vibrant. It also helps boost collagen production, which is like the scaffolding that keeps your skin firm and youthful-looking. So, using lime juice in face packs or ubtan mixes can help improve your skin’s texture and overall appearance.
Moving on to yogurt (or curd, as some people call it). Yogurt is more than just a tasty snack – it’s also a fantastic ingredient for your skin. That’s because yogurt contains something called lactic acid, which is a gentle exfoliant. Exfoliants help remove dead skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath. Lactic acid also helps hydrate your skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple. Plus, yogurt has probiotics, which are like good bacteria for your skin. They help balance out your skin’s natural ecosystem, reducing inflammation and preventing breakouts.
Last but not least, rose water. Rose water has been used for centuries for its soothing and healing properties. It’s great for all skin types because it helps calm down redness and irritation. Plus, it’s a natural antiseptic, which means it helps clean and tone your skin without drying it out. Using rose water regularly can help refresh and rejuvenate your complexion, leaving it looking healthy and glowing. Also read: Say Goodbye To Whiteheads: 3 DIY Home Remedies to Achieve Clear Skin at Home
In conclusion, each of these kitchen ingredients offers unique benefits for the skin, making them valuable additions to your skincare routine. Whether you’re battling excess oil, acne, dullness, or dryness, incorporating this ubtan recipe made with whole wheat flour, turmeric, lime juice, yogurt, and rose water into your skincare regimen can help you achieve a healthier, more radiant complexion. So why not try Priyanka Chopra’s homemade ubtan recipe and unlock the secret to glowing skin today?
Do comment below on how it worked for you.